Why is it important for all children to have access to yoga?


yoga PROMOTES self-regulation

A 2015 study shows that mindful yoga enhances self-regulation in preschoolers, which promotes effortful control, executive function, and attention. Results indicate that the children were able to learn to inhibit and control their impulses.

Razza, R. A., et al. (2015). Enhancing preschoolers’ self-regulation via mindful yoga. Journal of Child and Family Studies.



Random studies of children from a socioeconomically disadvantaged background in 2012 show that yoga interventions can enhance cognitive performance, specifically in attention and visuo-spatial abilities. 

Chaya, M. S., et al. (2012). Effects of yoga on cognitive abilities in school children from a socioeconomically disadvantaged background: A randomized controlled study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine



After 10 weeks of yoga, second and third graders showed a significant decrease in cortisol levels. Children showed improvements in creativity, ability to control their behavior and anger management. Yoga may increase mental health and well-being, positive behaviors, and social and emotional learning skills in children and adolescents.

Butzer, B., et al. (2015). Effects of a classroom-based yoga intervention on cortisol and behavior in second- and third-grade students: A pilot study. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine


Yoga Helps prevent depression

Regular yoga practice helps pacify symptoms of depression in elementary-aged children, especially boys. Students were able to identify an increased sense of calmness and relaxation, as well as an ability to control their own emotions. With a decrease in depression in an individual, peers are less likely to bully that student, so there is a ripple effect. 

Velasquez, A. M., et al. (2015). Yoga for the prevention of depression, anxiety, and aggression and the promotion of socio-emotional competencies in school-aged children. Educational Research & Evaluation