"Beyond the Stigma: A Unique Stage Hypnosis Experience" Tour Challenges Misconceptions and Breaks Stigmas

Prepare to be captivated by the extraordinary world of "Beyond the Stigma: A Unique Stage Hypnosis Experience" as it arrives at Santa Fe Community Yoga. This immersive tour takes the concept of stigma to new depths, tackling both the misperceptions surrounding hypnosis and the prevailing stigmas faced by transgender individuals in America today.

Renowned Hypnotist Aza Rose is on a mission to dismantle the stereotypes associated with stage hypnosis and hypnotherapy. No longer should hypnosis be confined to a spectacle of clucking chickens and outlandish antics. Aza showcases the true power of the mind, emphasizing healing, personal growth, and empowerment as the core elements of this unique stage show.

However, "Beyond the Stigma" goes beyond hypnosis. It courageously confronts the societal stigma that transgender individuals encounter daily. As a transgender person herself, Aza intimately understands the challenges faced by the community. Through this tour, Aza seeks to shed light on these experiences and foster a greater understanding and acceptance within society.

Prepare to embark on a remarkable journey that unites the power of hypnosis with the collective effort to break down barriers and embrace diversity. Witness the limitless potential of the human mind while participating in a transformative movement towards inclusivity and acceptance.

"We invite you to join us on this extraordinary tour, where 'Beyond the Stigma' encompasses not only the stigma of hypnosis but also the transformative movement towards a society free from judgment and stigma," said Aza Rose, the visionary behind the show.

Don't miss your chance to be a part of this powerful experience that combines entertainment, healing, empowerment, and social change. Book your tickets now for "Beyond the Stigma: A Unique Stage Hypnosis Experience" at Santa Fe Community Yoga and join us on a journey that challenges misconceptions and embraces a future of acceptance and understanding.

Event Details:

Title: Beyond the Stigma: A Unique Stage Hypnosis Experience

Date: June 18, 2023

Time: 5:00 PM

Venue: Santa Fe Community Yoga


Click here for ticket information

For media inquiries, please contact:

Aza Rose



About Aza Rose:

Aza Rose is a renowned Hypnotist on a mission to challenge stigmas and create transformative experiences through the power of hypnosis. Aza's unique approach combines entertainment, healing, and personal growth to create unforgettable stage shows that inspire audiences to embrace their true potential.

For more information about Aza Rose and "Beyond the Stigma: A Unique Stage Hypnosis Experience," please visit www.hypnotistaza.com.