6:30 PM18:30

Meditation Workshop : An Exploration of Techniques from the Global South

meditation workshop with an african chief with goddess osara

These are not your average meditation sessions. Each week we will explore meditation techniques derived from the mores of feminine deities of the Global South. This series of workshops are an invitation to practice decolonization of our breath in the journey of self-love and personal liberation that builds our ability to manifest our dreams. Each weekly session we will embrace an hour of spiritual refuse from the chaos of the world. Through the engagement of joy, we will learn tools that assist us in our day-to-day life, affirming our commitment to being fully present as we create a desired world for ourselves, our families and our communities. Join me in strengthening channels of celebration between ourselves and the universe.

Fee: 201.00

Duration: one hour-weekly for 6 weeks

Registration on Momence

About the Instructor:

Phoenix Savage is a certified Yoga and Mediation teacher with over a decade of developing personalized programing in pursuit of liberation from stress. Savage is the Program Manager for the Yoga in Prison Program and serves on the Board of the Santa Fe Community Yoga Center.

Savage is an African Chief to the mother/water deity Osara and has been a devotee in the African Yoruba/Ifa tradition for over twenty years. As an Anthropologist and artist, she merges culture and creativity in all of her offers.

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7:00 PM19:00

Sonic Yin

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Sonic Yin

Is a thoughtfully curated experience designed to inspire reflection and rewire subconscious patterns held within the body. Rooted in the profound wisdom of Chinese Medicine's meridian pathways, this practice integrates Sound Healing and Yin Yoga into a harmonious journey of mind-body-spirit transformation.

In Yin Yoga, connective tissues like fascia are gently soothed and restructured through poses that release tension on a deep, cellular level. By aligning with the wisdom of the meridian pathways and seasonal energetics, this practice fosters a deeper connection with the rhythms of Nature.

The Sound Healing element infuses the experience with a sacred, transformative energy. Mantras, healing medicine songs, and the resonant tones of singing bowls, chimes, and vocals create a powerful container for healing and renewal.

This synergistic blend invites you to embrace your multidimensional self and step into a state of profound harmony and balance.

Lunar New Year (January 29 - February 15th)

celebrated on the first New Moon of the Year is a Chinese Holiday honoring the lunar calendar. This Year we step into a Yin Wood Snake year. In this Sonic Yin we will start with the insights of this upcoming year. It is encouraged to bring a journal to make notes for yourself. We will have a reflective dialogue and meditation to begin the class then dive into the Sonic Yin experience where you can just recieve. 

It is suggested to bring with you a journal, writing utensil, yoga mat. Wear comfortable clothing. 

Open to all-levels of experience. Beginner friendly. 

Suggested Donation $20

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6:30 PM18:30

Meditation Workshop : An Exploration of Techniques from the Global South

meditation workshop with an african chief with goddess osara

These are not your average meditation sessions. Each week we will explore meditation techniques derived from the mores of feminine deities of the Global South. This series of workshops are an invitation to practice decolonization of our breath in the journey of self-love and personal liberation that builds our ability to manifest our dreams. Each weekly session we will embrace an hour of spiritual refuse from the chaos of the world. Through the engagement of joy, we will learn tools that assist us in our day-to-day life, affirming our commitment to being fully present as we create a desired world for ourselves, our families and our communities. Join me in strengthening channels of celebration between ourselves and the universe.

Fee: 201.00

Duration: one hour-weekly for 6 weeks

Registration on Momence

About the Instructor:

Phoenix Savage is a certified Yoga and Mediation teacher with over a decade of developing personalized programing in pursuit of liberation from stress. Savage is the Program Manager for the Yoga in Prison Program and serves on the Board of the Santa Fe Community Yoga Center.

Savage is an African Chief to the mother/water deity Osara and has been a devotee in the African Yoruba/Ifa tradition for over twenty years. As an Anthropologist and artist, she merges culture and creativity in all of her offers.

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6:30 PM18:30

Meditation Workshop : An Exploration of Techniques from the Global South

meditation workshop with an african chief with goddess osara

These are not your average meditation sessions. Each week we will explore meditation techniques derived from the mores of feminine deities of the Global South. This series of workshops are an invitation to practice decolonization of our breath in the journey of self-love and personal liberation that builds our ability to manifest our dreams. Each weekly session we will embrace an hour of spiritual refuse from the chaos of the world. Through the engagement of joy, we will learn tools that assist us in our day-to-day life, affirming our commitment to being fully present as we create a desired world for ourselves, our families and our communities. Join me in strengthening channels of celebration between ourselves and the universe.

Fee: 201.00

Duration: one hour-weekly for 6 weeks

Registration on Momence

About the Instructor:

Phoenix Savage is a certified Yoga and Mediation teacher with over a decade of developing personalized programing in pursuit of liberation from stress. Savage is the Program Manager for the Yoga in Prison Program and serves on the Board of the Santa Fe Community Yoga Center.

Savage is an African Chief to the mother/water deity Osara and has been a devotee in the African Yoruba/Ifa tradition for over twenty years. As an Anthropologist and artist, she merges culture and creativity in all of her offers.

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4:00 PM16:00

Lea's Joyful Sleep Method Workshop

Learn somatic tools to drop into deeper, more restorative sleep.

Join Lea Wildflower, Somatic Coach, Massage Therapist, and Relaxation Specialist in this workshop where you will be guided through potent self-care practices that directly impact your nervous system and result in an ideal state for dropping off into peaceful sleep. 

In this 90-minute workshop, you’ll experience: 

*Supportive Check-ins rooted in positive psychology that engage your social nervous system 

*The practice of Lea’s Joyful Sleep Method: tools to self-regulate and downshift your nervous system for deeper sleep

*A soothing Asian acupoint self-healing sequence that targets potent points specifically for sleep

*Restorative Yoga postures that aid in the digestion of cortisol

*A Breathing practices to activate parasympathetic dominance that prepares the body for sleep

This workshop is perfect for anyone seeking natural ways to ease stress, sleep more peacefully, and learn an effective bedtime practice 

Sign up here: https://app.paperbell.com/checkout/packages/109574

Bring a pillow & blanket. For questions contact Lea at leawildflowerwellness@gmail.comwww.leawildflowerwellness.com

Bio Lea Wildflower, Somatic Coach, Massage Therapist

Lea is an ACE Certified Health Coach who has worked as a wellness workshop presenter, sleep program creator, massage therapist and teacher for many years . With a BA in Psychology, and extensive training in body/mind physiology, Lea has a deep understanding of the stress response. Being a nature lover, and connoisseur of natural remedies, Lea loves to share simple solutions for stress that are rooted in ayurveda, asian acu-point therapies, mindfulness, yoga, and brain science.

Learn more about Lea Wildflower: www.leawildflowerwellness.com

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